Q: Why glass?

A: At MamaBear foods we are committed to sustainable packaging and try to avoid using plastic. Plus it tastes better out of glass.

Q: Why did you start making ketchup?

A:  Two words; Three children!! On our first child, I avoided ketchup for as long as I could but by the time number three arrived, ketchup had come to stay in our house. I wanted to make a healthy version of what we were buying and something my children would actually eat. And so MamaBear Ketchup began. I started in my kitchen and selling at farmers markets and pretty quickly went onto supermarket shelves.

Q: What’s next?

A: A range of ketchups launching shortly plus some healthy spreads. Watch this space. I am a Mama and know well the struggle of finding healthy and interesting food for my kids. I will keep it tasty, interesting and real!